There are all sorts of reasons why children and young people sometimes need to be looked after in foster homes. Some may have been neglected or harmed by their families. Others may need care while their parents deal with family difficulties, or when parents are ill or in prison.
Meet Some Of The Children From Blackburn With Darwen Who Need Their Forever Home
Change Your Life And Theirs

The amount of time children and young people need to live with foster carers can vary from a few weeks to several months or even years. Some children need a permanent foster home if they are unable to return to their families and adoption is not an option for them. This enables them to grow up in a secure and loving environment.
As a Council, it’s our job to make sure children are healthy, safe and happy. Moving children and young people from their family and home environment can be distressing and they may not fully understand why it is happening. We do our best to match their needs with foster carers’ skills and experience from the start so that we can give them as much stability as possible and avoid the need for them to have multiple placements. This means we need a large and varied pool of foster carers to choose from to make the best match possible for each child/young person.
Our Children
Hi, my name is Thomas, I am 11 years old. I have blond hair, blue eyes and a very infectious smile. I have a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, epilepsy, learning disabilities and visual impairment.
I have a special chair that I sit in but I also like being out of my chair, moving around on the floor, but I need someone to watch me and support me to explore my surroundings. I don’t have the loudest voice but I have a smile that lights up the room, you will be able to tell when I am happy from my giggling. I love listening to 80’s music and I love movie nights.
I enjoy touching different things especially objects that have a spikey feel. I enjoy massages and relaxing sessions. I enjoy looking at things that are colourful, my bedroom is my favourite place as I have walls that are covered in planets, the sun and space rockets.
I need a very special carer who can look after me, I need someone who can understand me and who is willing to spend lots and lots of time getting to know me as Thomas.
Thomas requires specialist parenting, there may be a need to undergo some additional training and a possibility of some home adaptation in order to accommodate Thomas.
If you feel you can help Thomas and provide a safe and secure loving
environment then please contact the fostering team for more information.
Tel: 0800 328 6919 Email:
Please note false name/image has been used to protect the identity of the child.
James is 10 years old with blue eyes, red hair and a pale freckle complexion.
James is a smiley boy, who enjoys lots of adult interaction and attention. James has a diagnosis of ADHD and FAS. When you first meet James he is likely to come across as a quiet child. After earning his trust he will become comfortable in expressing his more boisterous side, and demonstrating an infectious sense of humour.
He enjoys sports such as football, swimming and more recently the trampoline. Like all boys his age he also likes to spend time on his games console.
James thrives off one-to-one attention. He has grown accustomed to this over the last 12 months in his residential placement and the result has been transformational.
The angry, frightened, and destructive outbursts that characterised his behaviour on arrival have abated almost entirely. Those involved in his day-to-day care describe him as “lovable” and “adorable” – it is difficult to find more generous descriptors than these to demonstrate the likely effects of James’s character on anyone that should have the privilege of getting to know him.
James requires parenting that will provide him with stability consistency, routine and structure to enable him to develop to his full potential.
If you feel you can help James and provide a safe and secure loving
environment then please contact the fostering team for more information.
Tel: 0800 328 6919 Email:
Please note false name/image has been used to protect the identity of the child.
Lucas is a 10 year old boy with dark medium length hair, average build and olive to tanned looking skin. Lucas wears glasses and for reading and writing, he is a clever lad who really takes time to think things through. Lucas suffers with emotional and behavioural difficulties. This means that Lucas can struggle to express his feelings and emotions in an appropriate way. Lucas loves football and attends football practice every Monday he attends Cubs every Tuesday. He enjoys going to the scooter park and playing games online like Minecraft, he really doesn’t like violent games. He loves animals and from his bedroom he enjoyed watching the lambs when they were born. Lucas knows his cars and likes to talk about them.
Lucas is a funny kid with a great sense of humour. He takes pride in his appearance and he likes to save his pocket money so he can buy the types of clothes he likes. He attends the same barbers as the lady there does his hair just the way he likes it.
Lucas will go out of his way to make you feel comfortable he loves hugs and will hold your hand. He is a very thoughtful and loving boy, when he found out his social worker was looking for a new car he went out of his way to collect information on cars he thought she would like.
Lucas is looking for his forever home he has completed an initiative with Halliwell Homes where he has thrived and made amazing progress. He just wants to be normal, he wants to go to school and have a loving family.
If you feel you can help Lucas and provide a safe and secure loving
environment then please contact the fostering team for more information.
Tel: 0800 328 6919 Email:
Please note false name/image has been used to protect the identity of the child.
Peter is 13 years old with a fantastic sense of humour, his infectious smile and positive outlook on life is only held back due to this diagnoses of Cerebral Palsy. Peter is looking for a family who has the room to accommodate this popular, outgoing young man.
Peter has the use of 2 wheelchairs which he can move in and out of unaided. He is very independent and has lots of friends at school.
If you feel you can help Lucas and provide a safe and secure loving
environment then please contact the fostering team for more information.
Tel: 0800 328 6919 Email:
Please note false name/image has been used to protect the identity of the child.