Sibling Foster Care

Could you help us keep siblings together?

Being separated from a sibling can be devastating for children who need foster care. At a time when they need stability and security, to tear a child from their brother or sister can cause distress and severely impact their mental health. However, we simply don’t have enough foster carers who are willing to take on siblings, which sadly means over a third are forced apart.

If you have the room and are willing to help us keep siblings together then get in touch with us today.

Earlier this year there was a report which highlighted the increase in the number of sibling groups being separated in care.

The last year has seen a significant rise of almost 50 per cent in the number of brothers and sisters in England (where figures are available) who are not living together even though their plan says they should be.

That’s almost 2,000 children in England alone who are not experiencing the shared childhood with their siblings that they ought to be.

If you have a spare bedroom and feel that you can help a child or young person then we want to hear from you.



Take a look at our stories and find out more about what fostering means for children near you.



If you'd like the opportunity to chat with someone about fostering there are information events across the region. To find one near you take a look at our events page.



There are many different types of fostering, there may even one that appeals to you, find out more.

Are you Interested in becoming a foster carer?